Kevin Dench

Engineering Center

Engineering Center

Since the other members of the software team were split with other projects, it was primarily (but not solely) my responsibility to stick to the established timeline.

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Live Site: Engineering Center

The Project

On April 1, 2015 the KEMET Corporation purchased IntelliData, a company based out of the Denver Technology Center. After the merger we at IntelliData went to work on Engineering Center. We received designs from Athorn & Clark Partners for the look and feel of Engineering Center. Since members of the software team were split with other projects, it was primarily my responsibility to stick to the established coding timeline.

Collaborative Effort

This project was truly a collaborative effort that couldn’t have been completed by any one person in the timeline we were given. I am happy to have been a part of this project, and it was a whole lot of fun to work on it.

I am happy to have been a part of this project and it was a whole lot of fun to work on it.

The KIT Page on Engineering Center mobile layout

Related Posts

This seems like a pretty straight forward widget, but in fact it has a little more intelligence behind it. This widget’s bread and butter is its ability to sort the related posts based on the matched number of tags. This means that the most relevant results will be sorted at the top while the least relevant posts are at the bottom.

KIT Page

It was a unique challenge trying to figure out how we would get the KIT page to work. On the desktop view it is a three column layout where the different sections populate as you click on them. If there are no events, the visitor has the ability to sign up to reserve their spot at the event. So how do you go from a horizontal view to a stacked view on a mobile layout and have it still make sense? Simply put: visual ques. When the visitor clicks on a region, the area below populates with “Select Region,” “Select an Event,” and “Event Summary.” Then when the visitor clicks on the region, the event displays. When an event is clicked on, the summary displays and gives the visitor more information. Try it for yourself here.

The component tools section of Engineering Center The 404 error page, that is friendly and offers different navigation areas to This is the Knowledge Library, the main section of Engineering Center The multi-post page of the knowledge Library Section The KIT page and the activity to finding events

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